November 4: today i am thankful for where i live.
If you asked my gram 25 years ago if jenn liked the ocean, she would laugh. I grew up swimming in lakes and rivers in NH- i was a fish. My parents had a hard time getting me out of the water to eat lunch. So, my gram would try and take me to the ocean “for something different” …. i hated it. and was very pouty towards her because of it. How am i supposed to swim underwater when the salt water is stinking my eyes and the water tastes funny?!
fast forward 10 years ago. I moved to the cape. I knew i was a summer girl, hated winter… but never imagined how much i would fall in love with the ocean. I love the smell, the air, the feel on my skin. I know i will never be able to love too far from this beautiful body of water. I am thankful that i have been able to live so close and in such a beautiful part of new england for almost 10 years.
Feel free to share with me what you are thankful for. If you are blogging your thankful thoughts feel free to use my banner image. Over on facebook I also have a cover photo posted that I would love for you to use as well 🙂
Awww Jenn… that was a nice story about how you liked the water and now you live around the ocean and love it! You beachy girl you! Anna Banana…
Fab photo and there really is no place else quite like the Cape
that is a gorgeous photo!
actually, i miss the streams, lakes and mountains.