Hi, Creatives!
I AM “mermaiding” but I also am busy busy planning a WICKED fun fall of classes and inspiration! As I look forward, organize and plan fun things for the second half of 2022- I am looking for some feedback from all of you to help me out! If you have been attending my online classes, or are interested in my online classes I would love your input on the following questions:
Share your feedback here
To say thank you for taking the time to answer the questions everyone who completes the form will go into a drawing to win one of 2 awesome prize packs! I know I have people who take my classes from all over the world, so these giveaways are open worldwide! *
Thank you for your time and THANK YOU for being part of this community! Hope you are all having a fabulous week!
* in order to be eligible for the giveaways you need to fill out the feedback form by July 13th, and include your email address so I can contact you. I will email the winners and post them here once they have been chosen.
Edited to Add July 14th WINNERS
In my attempt to keep my survey short, and not take up too much of your time I forgot to ask for your names, only email’s DOH!
SO of course I am not going to publicly post email addresses, just know that I have emailed the 2 winners, and guessed their first names from their email addresses
Doodlebug Prize Pack: Winner Sue!!!
Newton’s Nook & Ranger Glitter Gel Prize Pack: Winner Anna Marie!
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