WOW! I had over 100 responses for my survey asking your thoughts about a possible art retreat at my loft. Thank you SO SO SO much for taking the time to answer my questions. It really helps to hear your thoughts and will help with my future planning! You can see some of the responses below. The majority of the responders would want a guided project from me. I can see you are split pretty 50/50 on what type of project. I will plan to go with whatever is inspiring me at the time and create my project around that as I do when planning most of my classes anyways. I did read your extra comments and some of you mentioned scrapbooking. As far as scrapbooking goes I have never been really good at teaching layout classes etc. (that was always MelissA’s expertise 😉 ). There is however a good chance that the “project” could turn into a mini-book of some sort.
Most people wanted a Saturday event over Sunday, and most people didn’t have a preference of one month over the other. Again, I read your comments and saw your concerns about the “snowy” months and were hoping for something more in the Spring. I totally understand your concern and of course wouldn’t want people driving in bad weather. I think I will plan my first retreat in either January or February- but that doesn’t mean I won’t have another one in the Spring 😉
So now I’m at the planning stages, as my classes for 2013 wind down (which btw the full schedule is up-to-date here). I will have more time to devote to this and will share with you the details as soon as I have it all figured out!
PS did you miss the tour of the loft?! The video and pictures have been posted… don’t you think the creative vibes are oozing out of this place!?! Catch up on the blog post here.
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