today we got a shipment of a muse stamps into the store ……
and how excited was i to see one of my designs come back to us as a store sample!!! whooo hooo!!!
i’m almost famous you know? at least thats what my bff tells me, take it up with her if you dont agree 😉
excited for stamp club 2morrow night, just the 2nd meeting of the year, but the buzz and excitement of the group is making me happy 😉 (the white stuff outside DOES NOT make me happy 🙁 )
yes, someday you’re famous-ness will reach and exceed Ali’s!! Nice to see you and Jayne today…2 visits to CC in 2 days! Love going through my purchases and putting it all to use. And those Amuse stamps….too sweet–want all of them! HELP!! Congrats on your card getting published and see you soon! Diane
Whooo Hoooo! Congrats hun, that is so exciting! I’m really proud of you. I agree with the famous comment to…I mean, I HAVE to tell people that I am friends with someone famous! Love ya! Hugs.
of course you are famous or is it infamous!Congrats on having your work displayed as an Amuse sample
that is one CUTE pic of you 😉 don’t you just looko tickled about that lil’ card making a roundtrip journey across the US??!! **congrats** on being more than {almost} famous – I would venture to say you are now “nearly famous”
p.s. fix the link to your bff’s blog, wouldya??!!
You ARE famous to me Jenn! Especially after Ali quoted you in CK!!!!!