i have offically worn flip flops for a week straight…. so there is no turning back..
my feet will rarely feel shoes covering them completely until atleast october!!! whoo hooo!!! feet be free!!!
i am a happier person in flipflops… i feel lighter ( which these days anything that can do that is a great thing!!! ) it’s almost like my feet are radar.. they know if they have sandals on its nice out, and when its nice out jenn is happy 🙂
oh happy day!
cute toes!! I can’t wait to get myself into a pair of flips… but I am saving the special event for the “steph johnson summer shoe premier” which will be taking place in SUNNY FLORIDA just two weeks from now!! WOOHOO!!! 🙂 (go ahead… be jealous!)
(but not too jealous, it IS a business trip, LOL)