matt brought up a good point the other day…….
he asked if i was ever going to do something with
i purchased it for myself when i graduated from college. my last name means a lot to me, its unique and i am the last one in my family…
i like having my email
and i had all these high hopes of a snazzy website…. that was 6 years ago 🙁 oops….
so i cleaned up the exsisting files that were there, and we’ll see if something comes of it… i have these visions of how i would like it to look.. well just see if it happens, if i can get it on the screen 🙂
like i said, i’m not making any promises..
A designers website is like a mechanics car. Your always working on someone else’s stuff and never your own. Ironically I just finished up this morning on a redesign. Bring on the new job offers!
Don’t give up on it hun. You have it for a reason, even if you’re not quite sure how to use it yet. I know it will be something fabulous someday. HUGS!
there should probably be a bff link on there somoewhere ;P