you can see all the new stamps on the a muse website!!! yiiippppeeee and i LOVE the new colors of the website and the lounge, soo stinking CUTE!
now before you click click click and buy them all…. i expect we will have them at Colorful Creations sometime this week…. keep an eye on the blog 😉 Remember when you shop local you support a store you love, dont pay shipping and get other perks ( like we have a punch card )
but for now.. you can drool at the new images, and make you shopping list right!?
HAPPY SPRING!!!! ( i know i'm early… but i feel it…. it's almost here!)
2 days in a row i'm in the gym BEFORE 8:30a… what is happening to me!!!???
this is a definite flip flop day ;)
Leaving you with a couple pics showing you Harley has spring fever too.. i had a couple windows open on Sunday.. and he went NUTS!!! He was soooo excited to run window to window… and watching the leaves blow around ( i didn't have the heart to tell him "it was just a leaf") after the sun set.. i was getting chilly.. so i shut the windows.. he ran around crying 🙁 but then he zonked out on the bed… haha his exciting day tuckered him out…. it really was too funny!! this indoor kitty thing is all new to me 😉
luv the new stamps and the cute pics of Mr Harley.
Oh my gosh I am in love with some of those new stamps!!! And yes, I’d rather support CC (on good ole CC ;o) ) I can’t wait!
Cute kitty…. yes my kitten was doing the same thing yesterday w/the windows open! Such cuteness!
that darn harley is so cute looking out that window! Good to hear you got out the flip flops too!
Harley and Hooligan would have the best day ever sitting at the window. LOL
mr. harley has spring fever and so does belle… we should get them together for a play date 🙂