November 20: today i am thankful that i have treasures from my past- or my family’s past. These remind me of loved ones I have…
November 19: today i am thankful for a bunch of random little things. a few that I am thankful for right now: getting home 15…
November 18: today i am thankful for sleeping in. short and sweet 🙂 Feel free to share with me what you are thankful for. If…
November 17: today i am thankful for my sunrises and sunsets. Since I started my job at PC i have noticed how beautiful sunrises can…
November 14: today i am thankful for my island. I am such a believer in “everything happens for a reason” and when i felt i…
November 13: today i am thankful for my studio space. I am lucky enough to have a great studio space. It’s just off of the…
November 12: today i am thankful for who i get to work with. I have had 3 main jobs since college, and all 3 times…
November 11: today i am thankful for where i get to work. Many of you who follow my blog know how the past year has been,…
November 10: today i am thankful for my fun friends. These are the friends who live close to me on the cape, who have kept me…