Let’s MOVE! I have made a promise to myself to MOVE MORE. My creative time involves a lot of sitting, and I know I need to get up and move my body more. I know I am more motivated with friends who cheer me on, so I set up my first StepBet Challenge on July 1, 2022. Fast forward to today, and I successfully completed SEVEN challenges! I am so very proud of myself, and my body feels great! I am eager to get STEPPING again!
StepBet is a free app you can download to your phone and sync to your Apple watch, Fitbit, etc.
To join my challenge, you pay $40. The app reads data from your step-tracking device to determine your goals. Everyone’s goals are unique to themselves. If you meet your goals, you get your $40 back. The remainder of the pot at the end of the challenge is divided among the winners!
My next challenge is starting on February 1, 2024. It is a 5-week challenge, although the 1st week is a warm-up so we can all get a feel for things. Within the app, we can all chat with each other, motivate one another, and cheer each other on.
To join the challenge you can download the app here: Step Bet App. Once you set up your free account you can enter the game code: MoveWithJenn24 or join here.
I know everyone needs to find what works best for them when it comes to being healthy, and I am by no means trying to say this is good for everyone. I just know I have never been so motivated to MOVE and determined to stick with something like this. Just as I like to encourage you in your creative time, I wanted to share this with you in case you feel it would be a good fit for you.
Hope to see you in the challenge!
Ohh how fun. Good way to incorporate accountability.