for the past few years i have been inspired by ali edwards and chose a one little word to reflect on throughout the year. It…
November 18: today i am thankful for sleeping in. short and sweet 🙂 Feel free to share with me what you are thankful for. If…
November 14: today i am thankful for my island. I am such a believer in “everything happens for a reason” and when i felt i…
Happy friday! I decided to take some time off this summer, to enjoy cape cod and RELAX! it’s been a whirlwind of a year, and…
This guy is *super* happy to have all the windows open on the island, and he is sure to greet me at this window…
on sunday victoria and i got together to get our scrap on, well she did anyways 🙂 awhile ago she emailed me asking if we…